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Free iPhone VPN FILES

Unlock Free Internet: Your Guide to Free VPN Files for iPhone
Unlock Free Internet: Your Guide to Free VPN Files for iPhone 

Tired of expensive data plans eating away at your budget? 👋 We've got you covered! This is your hub for free VPN files, designed to help you stay connected without emptying your wallet. 

* Free VPN Files for iPhone
    * MTN 1.2GB File
    * Telecel (Vodafone) Unlimited File 
* How to Import VPN Files on iPhone 
* Important Notes 
* Join Our Community!
* Learn to Create Your Own VPN Files 
Free VPN Files for iPhone 
Get online without spending a dime! We offer free VPN files for both MTN and Telecel (Vodafone) networks. 

MTN 1.2GB File
Download our MTN 1.2GB file and enjoy free data for browsing, streaming, and more

    TELECEL(Vodafone) FILES👇👇
TELECEL (Vodafone) Unlimited File 
Unlock unlimited data on the Telecel (Vodafone) network with our free VPN file. 
Without a having any data, file won't connect. So simply buy 0.02(1MB) of data to connect the file.
How to Import VPN Files on iPhone
Importing VPN files on your iPhone is easy! Watch our step-by-step video tutorial for detailed instructions.
Watch how to import the downloaded vpn files here.
Important Notes 
* Public Files, Possible Slowdowns: Our free VPN files are publicly accessible. This means you might experience occasional slow connections due to high server traffic.
* Initial Data Balance: You may need a small data balance (like 0.02 or 1MB) to initially activate the MTN or Telecel (Vodafone) VPN files.

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